Consumption Calculator for ships
Modern fuel management system is our current flagship model of the system enabling you full control over the light and heavy fuel consumption on vessels for which it is dedicated.
Read moreAlarm System
Dedicated Alarm System is used in many branches of industry, where the continuous control of automation and electronics is used.
Read moreCentrala temperatur
Centrala temperatur gazów wylotowych z silnika wysokoprężnego okrętowego, posiada 16 kanałów pomiarowych do których podłączone są termopary typu K. Każdy kanał posiada własną piętnastostopniową skalę …
Read moreKopus 1.0 Measurement Switchboard
Kopus 1.0 Measurement Switchboard allows you to view and record the basic parameters of the vessel among them:
Read moreWater level detector
Water level detector in the ship’s hold. The security system alerts the crew of an increase in the water level above the alarm threshold.
Read moreECO 4.5i dedicated controller
ECO 4.5 is a controller dedicated for use with a three-phase motor. Built-in control of asymmetry and phase loss can protect the engine of a controlled device.
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Industrial automation and control systems
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